Sunday 12 August 2007

Going Japanesy

I`ve had a weekend of fun in Osaka, Japan. I had to go over to get my work visa for Korea as you cannot get it inside the country. It`s all the better because my school paid for the flights and also gave also me $300 spending money. Furthermore, they arranged it so I could stay over the weekend to get more time here. Shame eh?!

I arrived on Friday morning after a disgustingly early start and went straight to the consulate. It took literally 5 minutes to hand in my application and then I was free for a whole weekend in Osaka! Next step was to find a hotel. Easier said then done. Three and a half hours later I was finally checked in to a place a little more expensive than I had been planning to pay, but at that point I just wanted a shower and a bed and I would`ve probably sold my soul to the devil to get them.

After a bit of a sleep I went out to explore some more. Its quite overwhelming walking around Japanese streets on your own. Its hard to tell what all the buildings are as obviously the writing is in Japanese, but also there are many different establishments in one building. After a bit of a walk I stopped for some Japanese food, something quite similar to the Galbi restaurants we have in korea where you barbecue it yourself at the table. Delicous! After a little stroll I came across the first pub-like buildings I`d seen. Joy of joys it was indeed a pub! I popped in for a drink and got talking to a Spanish guy who said I was the first westerner he`d spoken to in 10 days in Japan. I can understand how it would happen as there aren`t many of us about.

Next day I got up for a day of sightseeing. I started off at Osaka Castle which was a once a stronghold for a ruler of Japan (I think). Its a huge place and very beautiful. There are a couple of moats with some sort of red plant floating on the surface, giving it a quite otherworldly appearance. There are also plum and peach groves and a few gardens dotted about. Very serene. Next stop was the Umeda Sky Tower. This is one of the tallest buildings in Osaka and has a viewing platform on the top. I timed my arrival for around sunset so I could get both day and night views. I`m glad I did as the view was awesome. Especially when the sun had just gone below the horizon and the sky was red and pink.

In the evening I headed out for a big night. I started off at a bar I`d been to the day before. I sat at the bar and met up with an American girl and a couple of Japanese lads. Their group were off to a club nearby and the asked if I wanted to join them. It was a hip-hop club which I don't like usually but it was fun, especially when two Japanese rappers were on stage! I had a good night and didn't get home til the wee hours.

The next day I didn't do much at all and all too soon Monday came around and, after picking up my visa it was time to go 'home'. Japan is an amazing county, it shocks all the senses at once. I think I'll be back.