Sunday 30 December 2007


Well, here we are on the last day of 2007. It's been a pretty eventful year for me to say the least. I've been out of the UK for over three quarters of it for a start, visiting 7 different countries along the way. My occupation has changed from something mundane to something relatively unusual and I now live 8000 miles from home. Such a lot has been going on that I should take time to review it, so I thought I'd do a few of those silly best/worst lists that you always get in the papers at this time of year.

Let's start with obvious - BEST COUNTRIES VISITED (in reverse order):

5. Thailand
4. Vietnam
3. Cambodia
2. Japan
1. India


3. Noodle soup and baguettes (Vietnam)
2. Big fat prawns (Goa, India)
1. Green curry (Thailand)


5. Kimchi (Korea)
4. Grasshopper (Cambodia)
3. Dweji Galbi (Korea)
2. Bebimbap (Korea)
1. Kimbap (Korea)


3. Train ride from Hampi to Goa
2. Allepey to Kochi by boat through the backwaters
1. Boat down the Mekong from Chiang Kong to Luang Prabang


3. Saigon to Phnom Penh (purely for hangover level!)
2. Bangalore to Hampi (1st attempt!)
1. Siem Riep to Bangkok


3. Ko Phi Phi (Thailand)
2. Hampi (India)
1. Luang Prabang (Laos)


3. Japan
2. India
1. Korea


3. Thailand
2. Korea
1. Japan


3. Thailand
2. Laos
1. India


3. Korea
2. India
1. Thailand

Anway, that my review of the year for now! I'm off for a rest before the big party tonight.

1 comment:

richard said...

Hey Scott - Happy New Year to you. Sorry I've not been in contact, but I lost your blog address and stupidly didn't think to ask anyone for it. Well, now I have it again!!

We've been very busy in teh hotel and hardly seem to have time for anything much else. Xmas and NYE were very busy - but we did manage some fun too! Its a bit quieter now, which is nice - the weather's been shit, so people aren't out and about much.

Rob and I are off to Cape Town in 4 weeks - not quite as exotic and glamarous as your travels, but it should be great nonetheless. We hope to do Gt white shark diving - if we can summon up the courage! We should also find plenty of time to sample a few SA wines!

Did you hear that CB has merged with Macmillan? Things should change there quite a bit. JaRule has lost her job - only to be taken on as a consultant! The whole of SMT are on dodgy ground too :) Not sure what will happen with my freelance role, but there's not much I can do about it.

Hope everything is OK for you. Sounds like you're having a great time. I'll check back again soon now I have your blog again, and may even make the odd comment or two.

CAtch you later - Richard