Thursday 29 March 2007

Bangalore... Again!

For my journey to Hampi last night I got to the train station half an hour early, found my train on the screen and went to the stated platform where there was a train waiting. It was 20 minutes before it was due to depart but it starts in Bangalore and I assumed it must take a long time to fill up such a massive train as it was at least 300 m long - so long that you couldn't see either end from the middle. Just to double-check I asked at least 3 people if it was the Hampi train, they all said yes. I found my carriage and then my seat/bed, only to find someone sitting in it. A 5 minute discussion ensued which was joined by about 6 other people trying to help figure out what had happened. The matter was quickly settled when one of them pointed out that I was indeed in the correct carriage number and the correct seat... unfortunately I was on the wrong train!!!!!

We all rushed to the door and flung it open, only to see the dark countryside rolling past. Now I desperately needed to know where I was headed! I started asking around my 6 Indian helpers (or should that be hinderers?!). They were naming a region I hadn't heard of (not a good sign!) which turned out to be near Delhi - 36 hours away! For a few minutes I thought they had been saying it was non-stop and started planning how to safely jump from the train, or perhaps bribe the driver to stop! Fortunately no such drastic, Hollywood-esque action was needed as I found a man who spoke English excellently and he told me the next stop was one hour away and I'd have to get off there and take a bus 1 and a 1/2 hours back to Bangalore! Not overjoying news but better than hurling myself into the darkness from a speeding train!

I arrived safely back at a hotel at about 1.30 am (after seeing 2 rats in the street, yuk!) and have been to get a 50% refund on my unused train ticket today. Unfortunately the train was full up today so I've had to book a bus ticket for tonight. Its got air conditioning and reclining seats so shouldn't be too bad. I've also started to think it might be the safer option as (a) I can ask the driver when I get on where he's going! and (b) If I miss my stop by a few seconds I can shout at him to stop rather than ending up 50 miles away!

I've realised now my schoolboy error. If you ask an Indian person a question they don't understand or don't know the answer to, they will ALWAYS say 'yes'!!

1 comment:

richard said...

Hi Scott
I hear Delhi is very nice at this time of year! But perhaps not worth a 36 hour train journey (when you weren't expecting to go there!!!)
Life in old Blighty is good. The weather has been typically erratic lately and we've had rain, hail, sunshine and lots of icy winds. But things are set to improve for EAster, which they say is tipped to be the hottest day of the year so far! (I'm not holding my breath).
We have an Easter Bunny Party organised for the pub part of our hotel - mainly cause we think it will be funny to have a room full of people dressed as rabbits!!
Hope you enjoyed the ruins when you finally got there!
Cheers, Richard